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How to wear Cargo Pants

How to wear Cargo Pants


Cargo pants are back - and in a BIG way. With nineties fashion making a huge return this season, it’s no surprise that cargo pants are a staple item to add to your wardrobe.

Functional and fashionable, the cargo trouser is well on its way to being one of the key pieces of 2022 - and beyond. With plenty of unique styles to choose from, they’re not just limited to boy bands and girl groups. Celebs from Rhianna to Gigi Hadid, Scott Disick to Kanye West, are all taking note of this hot new trend - and putting their own twist on it.

What are cargo pants?

Also going by the name combat trousers, cargo pants are a military style item, with heavy pockets, usually on the side of the thighs. Handy for spare change, sunglasses, and mobile phones, they might have a different use nowadays, but their roots still remain.

As with most on-trend pieces, you can find cargo pants in a plethora of different colours, but they’re notably known for being beige, black, khaki, or camouflage. This neutral palette gives you the opportunity to team them with everything and anything, making them extremely versatile.

Military and utilitarian pieces come back into fashion every so often - and elements of this type of clothing seeps into our everyday, without even knowing it. Think cable-knit jumpers, chunky work boots, and military-style jackets.

Cargo pants were originally a big hit on the fashion front in the early 2000s, seeing a recent revival, with Y2K trending worldwide.

How to wear cargo pants

There are no rules when it comes to styling cargo pants - anything goes. From comfort to the red carpet, celebrities are owning this look - and cargo pants are stealing the show.

Keep it relaxed

Not looking to make a huge statement? We’ve got you. Jogger cargo pants are the ideal comfort piece, without looking like you didn’t make an effort. Team with an oversized white T, chunky trainers, and bucket hat, you’re hitting all the key trends, without going overboard.

Time to smarten up

Cargo pants don’t have to be casual either. Fancy a change from dresses and jeans for your usual night-out attire? Cargo trousers can elevate your look in an instant. Team with bright, neon heels and a crop top to really add something. You can even use an elastic hairband to create a cuffed effect to your cargo pants, pinching in at the ankle, showcasing your heels.

Team with denim and a hoodie

Cargo pants and denim jackets are a match - and we’re swiping right every time we see this pairing. Throw a pastel or neutral hoodie into the mix and you have the perfect look in an instant. Casual and chilled, this is an ensemble that will keep your cred.

Slogan t-shirts and graphics

Have fun with this look. Cargo pants can be a playful piece to add to your wardrobe - so why not try an oversized slogan t-shirt? If you’ve gone for a neutral colour with your trousers, keep things bright on top, including graphic sweatshirts.

Pick your footwear carefully

Brogues and smart shoes might not be the best option for the cargo pant. If you want to really embrace the utilitarian style, try a pair of chunky military boots (also in style for this season). Crisp white trainers also work well with cargo pants, including hi-tops. You could even go full Y2K with a wide trainer or skate shoe - both work well with cargo trousers.

High waisted or low rise?

The choice is really yours - as cargo pants work in both styles. High waisted gives a different edge to your look and can work well for crop tops and heels. If you’re keeping it chilled with more relaxed vibes, low rise cargo pants hit the mark.

Mix your styles

Don’t be afraid to mix it up when it comes to different styles too. A varsity jacket and relaxed pair of cargo pants can create a real head turner of a look. Two simple pieces elevate and complement each other, giving you an effortlessly cool outfit. 

Make this trend your style with our range of cargo pants available at The Couture Club.

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